Workshops, events days, NAFAS meetings and competitions (such as the Suffolk Show!)
Social Monthly Meetings
Refreshments provided (tea, coffee and biscuits)
Why Join Us?
If you have an interest in flowers, flower arranging or gardening, why not come along, we are a friendly club! There are always new things to learn, and maybe you’ll even discover new plants for your garden.
Stowmarket & District Flower Club was established in 1959, and 2024 witnessed the 65th Blue Sapphire Anniversary celebration.
We currently have 10 meetings throughout the year every fourth Wednesday of the month at 19:30 (excluding August and December) when we usually have a demonstrator who designs 5-6 arrangements – The arrangements are then raffled at the end.
Occasionally we hold informal workshops where new techniques can be learnt. We also sometimes hold club competitions. Some of our members participate in other local shows such as the Suffolk Show & the Hadleigh Show.